Jan 14, 2009

How much money you spend on a baby

Buying all the items above in the US costs $454,23 but over here in Portugal it would cost me $966,21!!!
And I can assure you that you will not find those in such gorgeous  patterns!
How about your country?How much $ you'd have to spend?And how about child benefits?Do you girls get any?We get $100 per month for having 3 children....


Teena in Toronto said...

They are cute, though :)

amycheah said...

That is good that you can get $100 for having 3 children. In my country (Malaysia) we have none! Poor us...

Crazy Working Mom said...

I LOVE this gorgeous pattern. I am a HUGE fan of the brown and pink. In fact, Emily has a pink outfit with brown flowers on right now! :) We can take a deduction at the end of the year when we file our taxes for having children. The more children you have, the better deduction, of course. But, short of low income families folks in the US don't get any help.


Mom Knows Everything said...

Those are so pretty! As for how much you get per child it depends upon your income and how old the child is.

nanaygin said...

Those will cost just about the same here as they are in your country. Well, x3 if you want to get the exact same things as the ones on the picture.

You're lucky to get $100 as child benefits. Here we just get additional tax exemptions for each child.

Tina said...

i know baby stuff costs so much, and when they are older too. had to spend about 90 pound on new clothes for evan today! thats about $180 i think!

TripleJin said...

Oh..over here, it's pretty good. We get about 500 every fortnight. Which is quite alot actually. But, I still try to skimp and save as much as I can. I'm so frugal it hurts sometimes.

Petula said...

Yea, baby stuff is sooo expensive... I didn't know it wasn't even more expensive there. That's a big difference.